My Favorite Baby, Toddler, and Kid Toys (with links!)
Our daughter is 2.5 years old, and she is BUSY. She loves to build and play and run around all day.
Most days (in the winter), we go to an outdoor park, run errands, play outside, and explore new sights around the city. BUT now that it's summer in Arizona, the 105-degree weather isn't ideal for those activities. So we've had to get creative.
We have a pool in our backyard and the splash pads are open from May to October here, but there are days (especially lately now that I'm 35 weeks pregnant) where I want to stay indoors or near our home.
Here are the toys that have saved me and have entertained my active toddler:
Step2 Water Table
This water table from Step2 is used daily in our backyard. It comes with a lot of accessories and keeps our toddler occupied for a while. We fill it with water or set the hose on the top part of the water table so it continually flows down into the table.
Amazon Sprinkler Splash Pad
Can you believe those pictures are 1 year apart?
Another summer must-have is a cheap splash pad you can connect to a hose in your backyard. I got this ABC splash pad for less than $20 on Amazon.
I bring the slide over to the splash pad and my daughter likes to slide into the water. Now that she's getting older I may buy her a larger size, but this is perfect for babies or younger kids too!
Lovevery Play Kit
If you check out the Lovevery website, you'll be able to find something for your kid, no matter what age they are. I love that these toys didn't make loud noises (my toddler doesn't like noisy toys) and they are visually exciting and colorful.
Foam Ball Pit
Another classic that my toddler loves to jump in is her foam ball pit. These can be expensive on Etsy, so I ordered mine from Aliexpress. I waited a few months, but I was able to buy 2 pink foam ball pits for $140 total. I sold the other ball pit and kept one for us!
The best part is the pink cover is removable and washable, and the plastic balls can be thrown right into the washer/dryer too! She especially liked this toy when she was 12-18 months, but she still uses it for stunts these days.
Interactive Toys
These and many other toys have kept my daughter entertained during the hot summers here in Arizona. Of course, we also have our fair share of TV time, wandering the aisles of Target, and playing on indoor bicycles and toy cars.
What has been your favorite toy for your baby or toddler? Follow @jonathanandjenna on Instagram and @diyjenna on TikTok for more home, family, and lifestyle ideas!
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