Week 2

The best thing I learned from this week's class was that repentance, or confessing of your sins and asking for forgiveness through the Atonement of Christ, is not a scary process and should  not be connected to thoughts of inadequacy or fear. Repentance is a beautiful process that changes us and helps us progress to become like Jesus Christ. Once we repent, there is empty time left over from the old ways of life we were used to living, so we need to fill that time with better activities and thoughts. We cannot just say sorry and continue the same life; we must move to higher ground and continue onwards and upwards. Heavenly Father is waiting for us to ask Him--ask for blessings, ask for love, ask for forgiveness, ask for anything. All we have to do is ask sincerely and become better.

As President Hinckley, previous President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said, we must 'try a little harder to be a little better'. In the Book of Mormon in the Book of Alma, a prophet who went through the repentance process after seeing an angel, it says that "there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again I say unto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy." (Alma 36:21) Repentance is not a one time thing or a scary thing- it is an exquisite process of choices and agency and forgiveness that our loving Heavenly Father has allowed us to have. Because of this, we can become a little better each day and not feel burdened by the past.


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