Bathroom Makeover *Reveal* !
Do you ever finish something and then you think, "But wait, there's more . . ." OR "I could add this and that to it . . ."
That was us and this project.
We finished one thing, then wanted to add another. We got done painting, then realized the medicine cabinet needed to be replaced.
One thing after another, and I think NOW we are *done* with this bathroom! (Or you'll see me again in a week or two with something new)
The final BEAUTIFUL finishing touch was our Lulani Faucet to completely change this area. We have a double sink in our bathroom, and the silver faucets worked OK, but they were squeaky and pretty old.
It just didn't bring you that "smile" factor. Yes I just made that up. It's when all the little details come together and you smile every time you walk in the room.
-new light fixtures
-painted vanity
-replaced towel hook and toilet paper holder
-built and painted floating shelves for above toilet area
-replaced shower curtain and medicine cabinet
-new rug
Possible future projects?
-paint and stencil floor (this is a big one I want to try!)
-towel hooks instead of a towel bar?
- two round mirrors?
-under the sink organization with baskets

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